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Friday, December 13 2013

It's official! After Christmas the baby goats will be going to their new home -

- at the Houston Zoo!

Last month I was contacted by the zoo. They were looking for goats for their Children's Petting Zoo and wanted to know if I had anything available.

Hmmmm.....  let's see...

 Raisin Bran & Bailey (9 months old)

This is a wonderful opportunity for young goats. We don't eat goats ourselves, but the world outside our front gate is pretty eager to put a young goat on a barbecue pit. Young Raisin Bran is so friendly and trusting that he would climb up on the grill himself with a little napkin tied around his neck and say, "What's for dinner, guys?"

I can't betray trust like that. A friend of mine was going to take him but her husband wasn't too keen on that and so I had opted to keep him myself.

But the reality of life on a farm is that you can't keep them all. Here was a wonderful opportunity for any goat, particularly a goat that is young and tender. Lifetime care and feeding! No barbecue pits! So I told the zoo that I'd donate them and they came out and ran a battery of tests. The test results just came in and the babies are cleared for take-off!

So there it is, after the holidays Raisin Bran and Bailey will be headed to college, off to make their way in the world. A world free of barbecue pits! A world of lions, and tigers, and bears!


"Lions? Nobody said anything about lions?"

"Uhhmm..... can we bring our Big White Dog?"

Posted by: forensicfarmgirl AT 09:14 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
Whew! That was a close one! But as long as they don't feed them to the Lions when they get big..... Naw! They would never do that..... No way!
Posted by Kimberly on 12/13/2013 - 11:00 AM
Aww! I'll have to go see them at the Zoo! :)
Posted by Mindy on 12/14/2013 - 01:21 PM

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Red Feather Ranch, Failte Gate Farm

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