Farm Fresh BlogMonday, April 07 2014
Yes! We have confirmation! Lazy Dog Training Program confirmed! We explored this earlier in A Whole New Level Of Lazy , but now we have positive confirmation. Yesterday Lily was outside putzing around and didn't hear the coffee pot alarm go off, but Cowboy happily barked from his crate in the living room to announce, "Hey! Your coffee is ready!" I'm still fascinated by this chain of events. This dog has never been reinforced for this behavior, and the only reinforcement he sees is Lily receiving a verbal 'thank you.' Yet, this little Border Collie has decided to give me a few barks when the coffee pot alarm goes off. Today he simply barked a couple of short barks and then resumed napping in his kennel. He didn't use the coffee alarm as an excuse for self-gratifying barking. I think this is just another example of genetics at work. These dogs have been bred for generations to be helpers on the farm and I note that Lily and Cowboy (Trace, not so much) try to anticipate our needs and assign themselves the role of helper. Need a reminder your coffee is ready? Have a Border Collie or two (or three) on hand, and you'll never miss that alarm again! If you ever need an assistant, or a Girl Friday, or just a reliable farm employee, a Border Collie is definitely a good route to take. Unlike teenagers they don't spend the day with their noses crammed into their phones. They don't drink alcohol, so no coming to work drunk, or missing work from hangovers. And since they're neutered there is no distracting girlfriend/boyfriend drama. They don't care who was voted off 'Dancing With The Stars' last night and so their productivity is not likely to decline as a result of phone time with their friends while at work. So if you get right down to it, if they had thumbs, Border Collies would make the perfect employee for your small business. It's something to consider in this economy, folks . . . Just sayin'. . . Comments:
YEP! Angus is my alarm clock enforcement agent. If I try to snooze it he will jump on the phone and drag it to the floor! Tess just jumps on the bed to back him up. Every one should live with several border collies on hand. My 5 are always available to help.
Posted by Kim on 04/07/2014 - 10:43 AM
So true!!
Posted by Janet on 04/07/2014 - 10:52 AM