Farm Fresh BlogTuesday, March 17 2015
The farm doesn't care if you're sick. The farm doesn't care if you are coughing up a lung. The farm doesn't care if you haven't brushed your teeth or if your hair looks like a rat's nest. It only cares that you walked past the window in search of more Nyquil, thus proof that you are vertical, thus you cannot claim you died in your sleep. At times like this the farm will post sentries near the fence, animals who assume the responsibility of watching the windows for signs of human activity. These sentries will then alert the rest of the livestock who will begin bawling, neighing, and baaing en masse. It is a barnyard symphony led and conducted by the sentry who witnessed you sneak past that window for Nyquil. The farm is not your friend. You are sick. You only have two friends - Nyquil & Blue Dawg. While you huddle under the blanket, awaiting the next coughing spasm, the Blue Dawg waits beside you. When the spasm of coughing seizes you, he bravely wades through it to lick your face, and offer CPR. Should he call 911? Should he make funeral arrangements? Are you an organ donor? He is Florence Nightingale - the Canine Nurse. Blue Dawg will stay at your side for hours. He is concerned about your health.
"Exactly how long do you plan to shirk your responsibilities and stay in bed?" Comments:
I hope you feel better soon!! I hate feeling like I wish I could crawl to do chores.
Posted by Patty on 03/18/2015 - 08:12 PM
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly and the farm doesn't care. Glad to hear ole Blue Dawg is taking care of you. I knew he had some redeeming qualities! Get well soon.
Posted by Sharon on 03/18/2015 - 08:29 PM
Thank you! Blue Dawg is my favorite little nurse.
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 03/19/2015 - 09:45 PM