Farm Fresh BlogWednesday, November 25 2015
As she trotted down the hill the sway of something caught my eye. The realization of what I was looking at hit me and I tripped over the root trying to photograph the testicles swinging between her legs. No kidding. The ewe with red splotches on her face is a hermaphrodite. Other Half was cutting firewood when I walked over and announced that she was a she/he. Naturally this required closer inspection, so we roped her, sexually assaulted the poor thing, and verified that our ewe had both a scrotum and a vagina. There are no testicles in the scrotum, but there's no doubt that it's a scrotum. I contacted the breeder and, bless her heart, she immediately offered my money back. She didn't know and we didn't notice it when we selected her because the lady had a lot of running sheep moving closely together so it was easy to miss. Besides, anyone wanting to deceive a buyer could have just banded her and no one would have ever known she was a hermaphrodite. We'll keep the ewe for wool, but scratch her from the breeding program. I have named her Hermione. Comments:
Good name! Do you pronounce it Her-my-own-he?
Posted by Patty on 11/25/2015 - 08:54 AM
You can pronounce it that way, or you can pronounce it like they did in the Harry Potter movies, "Her-mon-ee."
Posted by forensicfarmgirl on 11/28/2015 - 08:21 AM